Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Trumpman Them Boyz Up To Sumthang

I chose this Donald Trump picture on the internet because I find it satirical yet not far from the truth. He is the type of person who would be able to get attention because of his outlandish and aggressive attitude, using his business experience and wealth to help him throughout his campaign. My biggest deal with Trump is that  internet eats up his every move. There seems to be no stopping to face appearing randomly on the internet somewhere from news article, videos, and internet memes. The interesting thing about the internet is the wide range of opinions that can go from intellectual debates on political viewpoints to literally shitting on Donald Trump because he is a joke. In this picture, Donald Trump is compared to people who go purging. For anyone who doesn't know what that means, they are people who enjoying doing all illegal things like murdering, stealing, rape and all that good stuff. It relates to him since he probably does all the things I said anyway (Indirectly or directly, who knows?). I think the most important part of the picture is the incorporation of lowbrow humor to the overall message which is "Donald Trump and his son do not look like people you would trust".

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